When we talk about the most poisonous and dangerous creatures in the world, the name of cobra snake definitely comes up. Even though this snake […]
Tag: strange news news
The girl used to hate her increasing height in childhood, now she started taking advantage of her height, became a millionaire on the basis of height!
There are many people in the world who want tall height because their height is less than others. But there are some people who are […]
The husband was a driver, so the wife left her job, converted the truck into a home, and started traveling across the country together.
The relationship between husband and wife is such that one does not feel like living without the other and if one starts living with the […]
Boyfriend used to beat me by keeping me confined at home, had made life hell, legs saved my life like this!
Some people do not desist from harassing women even today. Often one gets to read such news that a husband beats his wife for dowry, […]
Instead of eating chicken biryani at the wedding, friends themselves became cocks, started doing cock dance, the guests kept watching!
If you are asked who is the happiest person in any marriage after family and relatives, then your answer will definitely be your friend. Be […]
People of this city ordered noodles worth Rs 60 crore, ordered 4500 kg onion in 1 hour! Revealed in the report
Nowadays, ordering goods online has become so easy that people can order all the ration for the house by just pressing a few buttons while […]
Boy reached Indonesia, showed how cheap Bali is, bought so much for just 1 thousand rupees, can’t even imagine!
Indonesia, especially Bali province, is so famous among Indians that you will find videos of hundreds of Indians visiting Bali on social media. Although many […]
Famous actress becomes mother of step brother’s child, is married to ‘bhaiya’, makes such videos!
Brother-sister relationship is considered to be one of the most sacred relationships in the world. In our society, if someone considers someone as his sister […]
The sound of ‘hiss-hiss’ came from behind the wall, when the person broke the brick, the cobra’s clan was seen, the senses were blown away!
There are more than one dangerous and poisonous snakes around the world, people start sweating on seeing them. If these snakes come in front, people […]
This man feeds 3000 birds every day, has been doing this work for 15 years, spends 80 percent of his earnings on animals!
If God has made humans the most developed living beings, then it is his responsibility to help other living beings, who are struggling with the […]