Boy reached Indonesia, showed how cheap Bali is, bought so much for just 1 thousand rupees, can’t even imagine!

Indonesia, especially Bali province, is so famous among Indians that you will find videos of hundreds of Indians visiting Bali on social media. Although many newly married couples go to Bali for honeymoon, but some people also travel to Bali alone or with friends. Recently an Indian boy also went to Bali. Going there he showed how cheap a place it was. He showed what can be bought for money equal to 1 thousand Indian rupees (Man spend 1 thousand Indian rupees in Bali).

Aakash Chaudhary @kaash_chaudhary is a content creator. Akash recently went to Bali, Indonesia. There he showed how cheap Bali is. He converted 1000 Indian Rupees into Indonesian Rupees which is Rs 1.89 lakhs. He bought a lot of things with this much money. This video of Akash is from May, at that time 1.82 lakh Indonesian Rupiah was worth 1 thousand rupees.


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