‘We will go there and teach them how to make pulses and rice!’ Eat cobra dumplings here! People were shocked after seeing this

When we talk about the most poisonous and dangerous creatures in the world, the name of cobra snake definitely comes up. Even though this snake is not the most poisonous snake in the world, still people are extremely afraid of it. If this snake is seen in front, the person becomes unconscious. Would anyone dare to eat such a dangerous snake (Cobra snake dish Indonesia)? Recently, an Indian travel blogger went to a country where people eat cobras as fondly as pakodas and momos. Seeing the cobra being sold in the shop, the person as well as the social media users were surprised and said – ‘We will go there and teach them how to make pulses and rice!’

Instagram user Aakash Chaudhary (@kaash_chaudhary) is a traveler and content creator. Recently he reached Jakarta, Indonesia, where he was shocked to see a dish being sold in a roadside shop. He saw that dishes made from cobra snakes were being sold openly on the roadside. People sell cobra snakes here for 2 lakh Indonesian rupees, i.e. about 1 thousand rupees in Indian currency. People eat snake like noodles, pakodas and momos.


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