1. If you feel strong earthquake tremors, then sit under strong furniture or table in the house and place your hands on your head. If there is a mild earthquake, sit on the floor of the house.
2. If you live in a high rise building, then stay home until you feel the tremors of the earthquake. When earthquake tremors stop, go under the building.
3. When you go down, stand somewhere far away from the building, so that there is no harm to your life if the building collapses.
4. If you live in tall buildings, it is always better to go down the stairs. Do not take the lift even by mistake, this is because in case of an earthquake there can be a power cut due to which you can get stuck in the lift.
5. Do not stand under buildings, near electric poles, trees, wires, flyovers, bridges, heavy vehicles.
6. If you are driving during an earthquake, stop the car and remain sitting in it. Park the vehicle in an open place so that there is no damage to you or your vehicle.
7. If you or any member of your family is buried under a pile of debris due to a very strong earthquake, then do not move or try to come out by removing anything present there.
8. Keep a disaster relief kit ready in a box at home at all times.
9. Switch off all the electricity switches, gas, lights etc. in the house. These can cause accidents.