The online delivery system has brought a revolution in the country. Order something online, it will be delivered to your doorstep within minutes. Many companies […]
Tag: strange news news
A person entered the room, his belongings were spread on the bed, then he chose such a place to sleep, seeing this will make your soul tremble!
People often say that they should just get a bed to sleep on, they don’t need anything else in life. But this is not true. […]
This cow will save the world from destruction, scientists have developed it, which neither releases gas nor burps!
Different predictions have been made regarding the destruction of the world. Some people claim that aliens can attack the earth, while some people scare people […]
How did Indraprastha, the capital of Pandavas, look like 5000 years ago? Such pictures have surfaced, you will be shocked after seeing them!
Indraprastha, i.e. the capital of Pandavas, if you have seen or read Mahabharata on TV, then you would know how much importance this ancient city […]
There were 100 men and 1 woman in the rented house, the landlord got a clue, got pain for life
New Delhi. Know porn star Lily Phillips. Yes, the same 23 year old adult actress who made a record by sleeping with 100 people. Leeli […]
You can rent this country, the rent for one night is this much, the population here is only 40 thousand!
Taking a house on rent, taking a car, taking an AC-fridge are very common things. In some countries, boyfriends and girlfriends are even available for […]
Parents gave permission, 9 year old daughter sleeps with 18 pythons, 200 snakes crawling in the house!
A snake is such a creature that whether it is poisonous or not, if it comes in front of a human being, its soul trembles. […]
The girl does a government job, is searching for a groom for herself, said – poor black will also do, gave her mobile number!
In earlier times, people used to take the help of relatives for the marriage of their daughters. Even today, a groom is searched for in […]
The ‘merchant of death’ returned after becoming 20 thousand times more dangerous, remains hidden inside the bed, scientists issued a warning!
Change is the rule of this world. From humans to animals and from insects to trees and plants, everything in the world changes. Organisms also […]
In this village, women’s hair is 6-7 feet long, they cut their hair once in their life, you will be surprised to know the reason!
Nowadays, while the fashion of cutting hair short is in trend among girls, the fashion of long hair is in trend among boys. In such […]