Nowadays, while the fashion of cutting hair short is in trend among girls, the fashion of long hair is in trend among boys. In such a situation, it can be said that whether it is men or girls, the desire for long hair is the same in both. But achieving long, thick hair is not within everyone’s reach. A lot of papads have to be rolled for that. However, there is one such village in the world (China Long Hair Village), where every woman’s hair is 6-7 feet long. These women cut their hair only once in their life. When you know the reason for this practice, you will be surprised.
There is a city in the southern part of China, Guilin. There is a village named Huangluo Village, 2 hours away from here. When you enter this village, at first it will seem like an ordinary village. But when you see the women here, you will be surprised. That’s because the hair of the women here is longer than their height. It is common for these women to have hair longer than 4 feet. Many are up to 6 feet long and in 2004, the length of a woman’s hair was measured at 7 feet.