Shut up you Indian! American woman got angry at a man of Indian origin in the plane, started abusing, then what happened?

American Women Thrown From Air Bus: Even today, an inferiority complex can be seen towards the people of the third world in developed countries. Asian and African people have to face racial discrimination. Recently, an Indian-American photographer on an airline bus in America had to face the situation when a co-passenger started abusing his children racially in the shuttle bus. The woman silenced her children who were talking among themselves and said, Shut up you Indian! The woman did not stop here, she called the family ‘Tandoori’ and ‘smelly’. However, the security guard removed the woman from the bus.

50-year-old Parvez Taufiq, a wedding photographer by profession, was traveling from Mexico to Los Angeles with his wife and three children a week before America’s famous festival Thanksgiving. Photographs taken by Taufik have been published in many magazines including Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. While traveling to Angeles, an American woman collided with him aboard the flight shuttle. Taufik made a video of the incident that happened to him and shared it on social media. 4 lakh 44 thousand people have watched the video so far.

Woman started harassing child


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