Mysterious time traveler came from 1932, reached 2050, showed such evidence, even the police got confused!

Ever since man came into this world, he has progressed a lot. He made various types of vehicles to cover the distance of miles in hours but even today there is a journey which is beyond his control. This journey is a journey in time. This is the reason why humans are still only dreaming of time traveling.

We hear many stories of time traveling. However, we never find any such concrete evidence. Today we will tell you the story of such a person who stunned even the police with his claims. Today let us tell you the story of a person who surprised everyone with his strange claim.

I have come from the past…
According to the report of Mirror, a person named Sergei Ponomarenko made a shocking claim in the year 2006. This person was found in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine and he told the officials that he had come from 1932 to the year 2006. His clothes were also of the same era and he also had an old camera. The documents he showed were also from the year 1950. At that time his age was 25. Not only this, one of his girlfriends was also in the photo, who when searched by the authorities, was found to be 70 years old.

disappeared overnight
Not only this, he also showed a photo of a UFO and said that only after taking this photo he came to the future. The officers did not believe his words, so they asked the woman who had been his girlfriend and she told that it was her boyfriend, who had suddenly disappeared. He also showed his photo taken 200 years ahead i.e. in the year 2050, in which he was looking old. When the confused officials showed him to the doctors, he suddenly disappeared.

How could this have happened?
This whole story was confusing people in the year 2006. However, a YouTuber thinking about it said that the pictures of UFO were taken from a Ukrainian TV show Aliens. This is from the 70s, which has been photoshopped. Despite this, no one has been able to give any clarification regarding the man’s girlfriend and doctor and it still remains a mystery.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Bizarre news, Viral news


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