Nowadays you will find Oyo hotels in every city and even town. Started as a cheap option to stay, this hotel got a bad name by romantic couples. After this, Oyo announced that it will not rent rooms to unmarried couples. In such a situation, if we get married out of love, then where should we go? Some people do not even give up autos and cabs but now they too are snatching away their opportunity.
Recently, an auto driver has also lent a helping hand to the suffering of lovers. The auto driver has written a warning for the passengers sitting in his car that not everyone can sit in it. Especially those people who are immersed in love from head to toe. Now a picture of this auto driver’s instructions is going viral on social media.
The warning has been given in a very strict tone
In this viral picture you can see that the auto driver has hung a card in front of the passenger seat of the auto. On this, it is written giving a warning to the couples – ‘No romance, this is a cab, not your private place or even Oyo. So please maintain distance and remain calm, you will give respect, only then you will get respect. The picture of this card warning the auto driver is going viral on social media. People have shared it a lot and are enjoying it a lot.