Nowadays, inflation has become so high that people’s needs are not being met with just one income. Because of this, people who work also keep dreaming of doing some side business. But doing side business is not easy. They may be a good means of earning, but implementing them and making money from them (Couple side hustle earn 10 lakhs in 1 month) is not within everyone’s reach. However, a woman from England was so clever that she earned huge income from her side business. The business grew so much that the husband left his full-time job and now helps his wife.
According to The Sun website, 29-year-old Grace Cassidy and her husband, who run a side business, live in Solihall, Birmingham. They earn money by selling people’s old items online. Since about 15 years, both of them have been doing the work of buying and selling old goods on a small scale. At that time, they used to earn small amounts of money and meet their pocket money, but since last year, the couple got an online platform, What Not, through which they started live auctioning their old items.