holstein Friesian is the Highest Milk Producing Cow: Cow is considered sacred in India and is given special importance in Hindu religion. India ranks first in terms of number of cows in the world. India is also the largest milk producing country in the world. It contributes 24 percent to the total production in the world. India also has the largest cattle population in the world. He has more than 300 million cattle. The United States is the world’s second largest producer of cow milk after India. America is one of the world’s top milk exporters. After America comes China, Pakistan and Brazil etc.
Cow milk is the main source of nutrition including protein and lactose. Therefore, dairy farms usually have high-producing cows. There are more than 264 million dairy cows worldwide, producing approximately 600 million tons of milk every year. The global average of milk production per cow is about 2,200 litres.
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America has a great breed
Even though the number of cows in America is less compared to many countries, it is at the forefront in milk production. Because he has excellent milch cows. America has the highest milk yielding cows in the world. She gives so much milk at one go that it fills five big buckets. Although there are many species of milch cows, but one of them is such that it produces rivers of milk. Holstein breed of cow gives the most milk in a day in the world. It gives about 100 liters of milk at a time. A large bucket has an average capacity of 20 litres. Therefore, five buckets are filled with the milk of this cow.
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Gives 33 thousand liters of milk in a year
Holstein breed of cow gives about 33 thousand liters of milk in a year. A cow gives about 90 to 100 liters of milk a day. Actually, there are about 800 species of milch cows across the world. But the cow of Holstein Cattle breed has a different place. According to the production of milk, special care has to be taken about its food also. These cows are fed special type of animal feed and green fodder. These are cows originally from the Netherlands, but they account for 90 percent of the dairy industry in America. Apart from this, there are also Brown Swiss, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Jersey, Red and White, and Milking Shorthorn species of cows in America.
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Pakistan at number three
If we talk about the countries that produce maximum cow milk in the world, then after India and America, our neighbor Pakistan comes next. Pakistan is at third place with 62,557,950 tonnes. According to the data of 2022, India produces 213,779,230 tonnes of cow milk. America produces 102,747,320 tons of cow’s milk. China comes at fourth place, it has 39,914,930 tonnes of milk. Brazil is in fifth place. 35,944,056 tonnes of milk is produced there annually.
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Other top milk producers
France is the second largest producer of cow’s milk in Europe. While Germany is the top producer in the European Union. The quality of milk produced by cows is directly related to their diet and environment. There are 37 breeds of cattle found in India, but among them, Sahiwal, Gir, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar and Rathi are known for their high milk yielding characteristics. The main breeds of cattle found in Pakistan are Sahiwal, Cholistani, Lal Sindhi, Achai, Bhagnari, Dajal, Dhanni, Jibrali, Kankraj, Lohani, Rozhan and Thari.
Tags: America News, India news, Pakistan news
FIRST PUBLISHED: December 24, 2024, 18:34 IST