Different predictions have been made regarding the destruction of the world. Some people claim that aliens can attack the earth, while some people scare people by predicting the third world war. But scientists talk about the destruction of the earth due to various gases spreading in the atmosphere and other scientific reasons. According to these scientists, the way climate change is happening on Earth, life here will be very difficult after hundreds of years. Scientists associated with NASA are also considering cows responsible for the damage to the environment. Actually, poisonous methane gas is coming out from the burping of cows. This is greenhouse gas, that is, the same gas due to which the earth is continuously warming. In such a situation, the scientists of Scotland have developed such a cow’s calf, which will be able to save the world from destruction. This calf will release less gas than normal cows and will also burp less. Scientists have named this cow calf Hilda.
Hilda, the cow’s calf, looks just like any other cow in the herd, but her genes have been modified in a way that prevents the release of harmful greenhouse gases when burping and holding her breath. It has been described as a ‘hugely important’ moment for the UK dairy industry, as Hilda was born using IVF technology, which has led to greener cattle that emit less methane. Let us tell you that cows produce a lot of gas, and the methane produced by their burps warms the atmosphere 28 times more than carbon dioxide. Since cattle generate about 5 percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions, researchers were busy finding ways to reduce their impact. Hilda was developed under that.
Experts say that using IVF, Hilda was born eight months earlier than using traditional reproductive techniques. Hilda is part of the Langhill herd in Dumfries, which has been studied for more than half a century. It is noteworthy that Hilda is also a part of the Cool Cow Project, in which such cattle are genetically selected which emit less methane. To create Hilda, eggs were taken from her mother and fertilized with sperm from specially selected bulls. After this, the embryo was created in the laboratory and replaced in the body of Hilda’s mother. Professor Richard Dewhurst of Scotland Rural College (SRUC), who was involved in the ambitious project, said: ‘With the continued growth in global consumption of dairy products, the birth of Hilda is potentially an extremely important moment for the UK dairy industry in its quest for sustainability. The Cool Cow project will not only increase the dairy project but will also increase the population of cows that release less methane into the environment.
Let us tell you that this calf was developed in Langhill Herd, which was first established in the early 1970s. It is the world’s longest running livestock genetics project. This herd has been used in several studies of greenhouse gas emissions associated with dairy production, including the effects of different diets and different fertilizers on grasslands. Another partner in the project, Rob Simmons of Paragon Veterinary Group, said that genetically improving the methane efficiency of dairy cows is ‘crucial’ to improving the sustainability of the sector. ‘Genetic improvement in methane efficiency will be important for providing nutritious food to the public in the future, while controlling the impact of methane emissions on the environment.’ Actually, the important reason behind developing this cow is the emission of methane into the environment. Methane emitted from the burps and gas of cows is more harmful than carbon dioxide.
Tags: Khabre jara hatke, OMG News, Shocking news, Weird news
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 2, 2025, 12:01 IST