A video of a pet tiger is going viral on social media. Nauman Hassan, who raised this tiger, often shares such videos. But in this […]
Tag: Viral news today
Lipstick kiss on the bathroom mirror, then the girl shamelessly walks away, the cleaning boy taught her a lesson like this!
People who like cleanliness sometimes have to face difficulties. From malls to offices, many times they face difficulty even in going to the toilet. At […]
Jayamala bride looked shy on stage, didn’t even look up, turned into ‘Manjulika’ as soon as the drum started playing!
Many such videos related to marriage go viral on social media, which are surprising to see. In some of these videos, the bride and groom […]
What is the name of the smallest city in the world? Where only 52 people live, but the reason for its fame is something else…
Vatican City is counted among the smallest countries in the world. Its total population is 764 people, while its area is 44 hectares (108.7 acres). […]
CCTV Video: This is called a talented thief, he used to steal only one thing from the car, then he would run away!
Many such shocking videos go viral on social media, which are difficult to believe after watching. In some of these videos, someone is seen openly […]
The police was issuing the challan, but the girl was thinking of a joke, people said – If only it had been a boy…
Traffic police are deployed at various places for the safety of people driving, so that people follow the traffic rules. The police issues a challan […]
After the marriage, the man organized a party, sent invitations to the entire village, but no one came, the reason is shocking!
Many matters related to marriage often go viral on social media. In some of these weddings, the bride and groom start fighting with each other […]
The lion climbed the tree to catch the monkey, then see what happened next?
NEWS18 HINDIBig update from weather department in Madhya Pradesh, rain and… NEWS18 HINDIImpact of snowfall again in Bihar, dense fog and light… NEWS18 HINDIMaha Kumbh: […]
Amazing trick to catch a bird, it got stuck in the net while it was pecking at the grains.
NEWS18 HINDIMadam came to school and asked – How did you sit? She said- Is it yours? NEWS18 HINDITiger terror continues in Lucknow, in front […]
In this style, the girl lies with the giant snake, caresses it all night, then does this thing!
There are many dangerous snakes present all over the world. Some of these snakes are expert in killing anyone with their poison, while others swallow […]