Chhatarpur. The weather is pleasant in the district at this time. There has been a drop in temperature here for the last three days due to cold winds. It is cloudy here with drizzling rain. However, in Chhatarpur there has been more rainfall in some places and less in some places. Farmers will get benefit or loss from this drizzling rain, know from farmer brothers…
Farmer Krishna Kumar tells Local 18 that this rain water is beneficial for the farmers. This water is beneficial for all crops. This water will be beneficial for all crops like wheat, gram, lentils and peas. There is no damage to any crop.
is harmful for unirrigated farmers
However, this water is harmful for the irrigated farmer. Because they have already given water. Now the above water is harmful for the crops grown in these fields. If there is further rain then it will be harmful for all the farmers. If the sun does not shine further then the standing crops will be covered with caterpillars.
Money on pipes and water was wasted
Farmer Munna says that this water is beneficial for unirrigated farmers. We have planted crops of gram, lentils and wheat. It was 30 to 40 days old. Pipes were installed to provide water to the crops. They were purchasing water from others and applying it, but when it rained, the money was wasted. Had this been known in advance, money for pipes and water would have been saved.
Farmer Amit Singh says that he has planted crops like peas, gram, lentils and wheat. The rain that has fallen now is of no use to us. Because we have already applied water to the crops. However, most of the farmers of the district have benefited from this rain.
Tags: Agriculture, Chhattarpur news, Local18, Madhya pradesh news
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 1, 2025, 22:27 IST