‘Oho! I am exactly like them’, got mother’s milk for a few days, now reunited with family after 75 years, law became enemy

New Delhi. This Christmas was very wonderful for 75 year old Dixon Handshaw, living in North Carolina, America. He spent his entire life alone. Neither any brothers, sisters nor any other relatives. Now coming to the last stage of his life, he has been able to unite with his brothers and sisters and their family. The special thing is that the main reason for staying away from the family is none other than a law of America, after the amendment of which the way has now become clear for them to meet their family again.

Actually, according to CNN report, Dixon Handshaw was adopted to a family at the age of just three months. Birth certificates were sealed before adoption in New York State. In such a situation, it was not possible for any person to find out who his real parents were. Despite all efforts he could not find his real parents. Then in the year 2019, some changes were made in the law. Under this, it was possible for the people of New York to get information about original birth certificates. Handshaw told CNN that he received his original birth certificate in August this year. Then he came to know that his biological father’s name was Robert Budd Romig.

‘I am like them’
Handshaw told that when I came to know my father’s name, the first thing I did was Google him and his obituary came up. Handshaw says that I was not only surprised to see that I looked exactly like him, but I also came to know that I had many brothers and a sister. Handshaw doesn’t know why his parents gave him up for adoption.

Meeting the family at the annual Christmas party
Dixon Handshaw thought he was an only child for most of his life, but decades after he was adopted he learned the truth. Over the weekend, Handshaw flew from North Carolina to New York to meet some of his half-siblings ahead of the annual Christmas party. Handshaw says that his whole life he had dreamed of having a brother or sister somewhere. It’s like Christmas magic to me. Last Saturday, Handshaw met more than 50 of his relatives. These relatives include cousins ​​and their children.

FIRST PUBLISHED: December 26, 2024, 07:48 IST


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