‘It must not have been used anywhere else before!’ The man took a toilet cleaning brush and started brushing his teeth!

People are ready to go to any extent to become famous on social media. You must have seen many people doing ridiculous things. Some act strangely and some want to get more views by showing strange dance. But nowadays people are getting a lot of views even by doing strange things. Some people are becoming the subject of discussion by lying in the garbage and some by pouring paint cans on themselves. Recently, a person also did a similar act and collected views. He cleaned his teeth with a toilet cleaning brush. People were so disgusted after seeing his action that they were celebrating only one thing that that brush (Man clean teeth with toilet brush) had never been used anywhere else before!

Recently a video has been posted on the Instagram account @ricoeur_suave in which a man is seen brushing his teeth with a bathroom cleaning brush. Seeing this action of his, you will be reminded of Puneet Superstar who has become quite famous by making similar videos. This person looks African, people are also surprised to see his behavior.


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