You must have seen many films related to intelligence agents, you must have liked many characters like Tiger, Pathan, James Bond etc. His style and method of catching criminals must be convincing to you, but the most unique thing is his way of taking care of himself. How they pay attention to the smallest things, so that they do not fall into any danger and by collecting those clues, they also catch the criminal. Now all these tricks have been told to the common people by a real intelligence agent, knowing which you can protect yourself in public and you will not have to worry about your safety at all.
According to the report of New York Post website, Scott Bryson is a retired intelligence agent. He gives safety related advice to people by making videos on the social media platform TikTok. Recently he told how the common man can also exercise the same vigilance as the President of any country. First of all he told that a person should pay attention to everything.

The person claims that he used to work in the American Intelligence Department. (Photo: TikTok)
Retired intelligence agent gave work advice
There is no hidden science in paying attention, first of all you have to take your eyes off your phone. When you’re entering a store or parking in a parking lot, don’t look at your phone, look around you. He also mentioned something that women should pay attention to. Scott said that when women come out of a building to their car in a parking lot, they should look to see if there is a car parked right next to their car. How many people are there in that vehicle, what is its number, is it an SUV or any other car, does it have sliding doors?
Also gave advice regarding sitting in the restaurant
Scott told that whenever you go to a restaurant, never sit with your back towards the main entrance. The entry and exit doors of the restaurant should be in front of your eyes. If you have gone to a cinema hall, church or any such place, where all the seats are in a single line, facing the same direction, then always sit in the corner seat. In such a situation, it will be easy for you to escape from that place in case of any untoward incident. People supported his words and also gave their feedback in the comment section.
Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 5, 2025, 08:31 IST