Indraprastha, i.e. the capital of Pandavas, if you have seen or read Mahabharata on TV, then you would know how much importance this ancient city has had. But have you ever wondered what this city would have looked like at the time of Mahabharata? Experts believe that the period of Mahabharata was 3000 years BC. That means more than 5000 years from today (AI reimagines Indraprastha). So imagine what a city might have looked like thousands of years ago? Recently, technology related to Artificial Intelligence imagined how Indraprastha, the capital of Pandavas, would have been 5000 years ago.
Instagram user Priyanku (@priyanku_sarmah) is a generative AI specialist and also an AI film maker. He often creates unique things with the help of Artificial Intelligence and posts photos and videos of the same. A few days ago, he shared a video, in which he showed how Artificial Intelligence has imagined Indraprastha.