GK: Why do we put iron sheets on trees, what is the purpose? 90 percent people will not know!

There are many things around us which are so common that we do not notice them. These everyday things seem trivial to us, but in reality they are very special. Today we are going to tell you about one such special thing. Have you ever seen an iron sheet wrapped over trees? If you have ever been to America, you must have seen this scene there. In many states there, metal sheets are seen wrapped around tree trunks. You may see this scene in India also. But what is the reason for this? This is not just for decoration. We claim that 90 percent people will not know the reason for this.

According to the Taste of Home website, these iron sheets are seen installed on trees from Los Angeles to Northern Maine in America. Even on the social media platform Reddit, people posted a photo of a metal sheet and asked what was the reason for it? Let us tell you. These sheets are not installed for the decoration of trees, but for their protection. These are called Tree Baffles in English.

why metal sheets wrapped around trees

This sheet placed on trees is called tree baffle. (Photo: Reddit)

For this reason, iron sheets are applied on trees
Actually, people prevent squirrels or cats from climbing trees by applying smooth iron sheets. Often these creatures climb trees, while squirrels even make their homes on trees. Because of this, she sometimes even eats the fruits of the tree. People often put these sheets on the trees near their homes, so that squirrels cannot climb on them. Metal cones are placed on many trees, due to which no living creature is able to climb the tree.

Farmers cultivating fruits also use it
As we told earlier also, people who cultivate fruits also put these irons on the trees, due to which creatures like reptiles or squirrels do not climb on them. While climbing on this metal, the feet of the living beings start slipping and due to this they are unable to go up. According to the Taste of Home website, such sheets often have to be made by oneself for trees with wide trunks. The sheets available online are for trees with thin trunks.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news


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