New Delhi (GK, Mobile Phones Banned in Schools)Till a few years ago, the use of smartphones was limited. But now with the technology being updated every day, it is difficult to imagine life without a smartphone. From waking up in the morning to sleeping at night, everyone is dependent on this mobile phone for many tasks. School children even do their homework with the help of mobile phones. Many schools also send children’s homework on mobile apps.
Recently a class 8th student committed suicide in Surat district of Gujarat. (Smartphone Addiction)His mother had asked him for a mobile phone for some time. Hurt by this, the girl embraced death. In view of this matter, the State Education Minister of Gujarat has decided to ban the use of mobile phones in schools. In many countries including America, Australia, Japan, China, there is already a ban on using smartphones in schools.
What’s the problem with bringing a phone to school?
Lack of concentration is seen in children who bring smartphones to school. Their main focus is on notifications coming on the phone, social media and games. In a research, 70% of teachers admitted that children are unable to concentrate on studies due to use of mobile phones in class. In American states like New York, California and Texas, phones are not allowed in class. If a student brings a phone, he has to deposit it with the school administration.
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In which countries mobile phones are banned in schools?
In many countries of the world, the use of mobile phones is restricted or banned in schools. Even in India, most schools do not allow students to bring mobile phones.
1. France: Use of mobile phones is completely banned in schools in France.
2. Germany: Use of mobile phones is banned in many schools in Germany.
3. Italy: Use of mobile phones is banned in some schools in Italy.
4. Spain: Use of mobile phones is banned in some schools in Spain.
5. Poland: Use of mobile phones is banned in schools in Poland.
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1. China: Use of mobile phones is banned in many schools in China.
2. Japan: Use of mobile phones is banned in schools in Japan.
3. South Korea: Use of mobile phones is banned in schools in South Korea.
4. Hong Kong: Use of mobile phones is banned in schools in Hong Kong.
5. Singapore: Use of mobile phones is banned in schools in Singapore.
North America
1. Canada: Use of mobile phones is banned in many schools in Canada.
2. United States: The use of mobile phones is completely banned in many schools in the United States.
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Tags: general knowledge, international news, school education, Smartphone
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 6, 2025, 14:42 IST