China PLA navy news: China has the largest navy in the world in terms of numbers. By 2049, it is moving rapidly to become the world’s largest military power. The ghost of sovereignty over the sea is haunting China. A flurry of new warships and submarines have been launched one after the other. One such plan has been revealed in a Pentagon report. According to this report, China will expand its navy to a fleet of 435 warships by 2030. The Chinese Navy currently has a fleet of 370 warships. Within the next 5 years, it will add 65 new warships, submarines, mine sweepers, aircraft carriers, amphibious war ships.
China will have 80 submarine navy by 2035
China’s submarine program started between the 1990s and 2000s. During this period, China had purchased 12 Kilo class submarine from Russia. After that, China started making submarines with the help of stolen technology. According to the Pentagon report, China will include 80 submarines in its submarine fleet by the year 2035. The Chinese Navy currently has 60 submarines. Apart from this, the Chinese Navy is equipped with 6 Ballistic Missile Submarines (SSBN), 6 Nuclear Powered Attack Submarines (SSN- Submersible Ship Nuclear), and 48 Diesel Electric Attack Submarines.
This is how China increased its speed
In the year 2000, China had only 210 warships. With the aim of ruling the world, he set a target of every five years. By 2020, China had established itself as the world’s largest navy. In the year 2025, China will have a fleet of 395 warships. PLA Navy will increase its battle force to 400 in the next 5 years by adding 65 warships and submarines annually. China’s target is to have a 435 battle force navy by 2030.
India is ready in the Indian Ocean region
In the last ten years, China’s intention to dominate the sea was clearly visible. China’s main focus is on Taiwan and South China Sea. Along with this, while gradually encircling India, China is strengthening itself in many other countries including Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh. China is also developing the navies of its friendly countries, of which Pakistan is the biggest ally. The Indian Navy is also on the way to become a completely indigenous navy by 2047 under Self-reliant India. By the year 2030, the Indian Navy will become a 155 to 160 warship navy. Submarines will also be included in this. India currently has 16 diesel electric powered submarines and 2 ballistic missile nuclear powered submarines. The government has given green signal to the construction of two Nuclear Attack Submarines (SSN). It is clear that even if China is increasing the number of its warships, India has its solution.
Tags: China, china news, United States of America
FIRST PUBLISHED: December 19, 2024, 14:19 IST