Buffalo climbed on the roof of a kutcha house, frightened woman ran out of the house! People asked- ‘How did you reach the top?’

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Recently a video has been posted on the Instagram account @soljardhurv in which a buffalo is seen climbing on the roof of the house. This is a mud house, on which tiles are laid. Looking at the view, it seems that the roof of the house…read more

Buffalo climbed on the roof of a kutcha house, frightened woman ran out of the house!

The buffalo climbed onto the roof of the house. (Photo: Instagram/@soljardhurv)

You must have heard a saying, ‘The buffalo has gone into the water!’ But have you heard this saying – ‘The buffalo climbed on the roof!’ Probably you might not have heard, because such a scenario is impossible that a buffalo climbs on the roof of a house. But recently a video is going viral (Buffalo on house roof viral video), in which a buffalo climbed on the roof of a kutcha house, on which tiles were laid. The woman living in the house got scared and ran out of the house. Seeing the buffalo, people had only one question – how did the buffalo reach the top?

Recently a video has been posted on the Instagram account @soljardhurv in which a buffalo is seen climbing on the roof of the house. This is a mud house, on which tiles are laid. Looking at the view, it seems that there would not have been any stairs to reach the roof of the house. In such a situation, it is worth wondering how the buffalo climbed up. She is standing happily on the terrace, not doing anything, just looking around.


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