Brother earns 10 lakhs by driving a rickshaw, you will be shocked to understand the mathematics, you also listen!

Many times it happens that we fall into the misconception that the income of people who are not educated or are open vendors is very less. This belief of ours gets cured the day we get an idea about their true earnings. Something similar happened when a person told about the earnings of a rickshaw puller.

A rickshaw puller is earning as much every day as people earn after their degree. When a social media influencer enumerated all this mathematics, people’s minds lit up. Well, before you think about the rickshaw pullers of your place, let us tell you that here we are talking about the rickshaw pullers of Japan.

Rickshaw puller earns 7-10 lakhs
In the video going viral, a person is in Japan and is telling about the earnings of a rickshaw puller. He says that a rickshaw puller here easily charges Rs 2700 for a 10-minute ride and does 10 such rides a day. According to this, he earns 7-10 lakhs in a month, even if he excludes weekends, he earns at least 5-6 lakhs. This much is what people with good degrees can earn.


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