‘Argument with us, life ruined’, Bihari boy showed arrogance to the police, this was the result!

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When the police stopped a boy from Bihar who was driving a car wearing a helmet, he showed arrogance and said that arguing with him would ruin his life. You will also laugh after seeing what happened after this. One slap brought the boy back to his senses.

Many such videos go viral on social media, some of which are surprising and some make one laugh. Some of them are seen selling some goods in a funny manner, while others bend their body like a rubber. Some of these videos are also made to give social messages, which when seen for the first time seem to be absolutely true. Today we are going to show you one such funny video. The boy seen in this video is calling himself a Bihari. While driving the car, the boy is wearing a helmet and is threatening the traffic policeman by saying, ‘Arguing with us would mean destruction of life.’ But what happened later remains to be seen. However, this video has been made for entertainment purposes.

In the video you can see that a policeman stops a car driver. After stopping the car, the boy asks in English why did you stop sir, what happened? During this time the boy sitting inside the car is wearing a helmet. The policeman asks the boy to come out, he wants to check whether you have consumed alcohol or not. The boy gets angry on this matter. He says that first of all I am not a person who drinks alcohol. In such a situation, how can you stop me on the middle of the road? You go and catch those criminals and dacoits roaming outside. But you will catch those who do not wear helmet on the bike. But sir, I am wearing a helmet. For what crime will you incarcerate me? I will file a case against you. Hearing this, the policeman angrily asks him to come out.


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