An old box was found while digging in the ground, when it was taken out it was shocking, ancient ‘treasure’ was found inside!

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Hidden treasures are often found underground. A video related to this is going viral on social media, in which an old box is found during excavation. When I took it out and opened it, I was shocked to find an ancient treasure hidden inside.

Many mysterious and shocking things are often found while digging the earth. At some places, a thousands of years old underground city is visible, while at other places, the dead body of a pregnant woman buried under the ground is found. These discoveries reveal many things thousands of years old about which we do not even know. The lifestyle, manners and eating habits of the people of that period are also known. At the same time, sometimes treasure hidden under the ground is also found. Such videos often go viral on social media. Today we are going to show you a video of one such treasure, when an old box was found while digging the ground. When that box was taken out and opened, everyone was shocked. There was an ancient treasure hidden inside.

This video going viral has been shared on Instagram with an account named @felezyab_siko. The caption of the video is, ‘Searching for an ancient treasure according to the treasure map.’ In the viral video you can see that the land is being excavated. A man is down in a deep pit and taking out soil. A box is also visible in the pit. The person tries to lift the box up with a pickaxe. Gradually his efforts seem to be succeeding. The box starts coming out. When it comes out completely, it is clearly visible that the box is very old and rusted. The person shakes its handle and then takes it out. Another person also extends his hand to help him.


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