An elderly woman was lying ill on the hospital bed, felt like dressing up, applied lipstick and made up!

It is said that age is just a number. No matter how old a person grows, if he is young at heart, he always remains lively. If a person starts taking more stress with increasing age, becomes serious about himself, stops enjoying the small joys of life, then he will die while alive. The proof of vivacity has been given by an elderly woman, whose video is going viral on social media. This woman is lying sick on the hospital bed, she has a tube in her nose. Her skin shows that she is quite old. Even in such a situation, she is doing makeup. This woman is an example for others.

Recently a video has been posted on Twitter account @BaissaRathore1 in which an elderly woman is seen applying makeup while lying on a hospital bed. The sheet worn by the woman has Santo Antonio written on it. By searching on Google we came to know that this is a hospital located in Portugal. In the video, an elderly woman is lying on a hospital bed, she has a tube in her nose, from this it can be inferred that she is very ill.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, viral video, Weird news


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