Mohan Dhakale, Burhanpur: Burhanpur of Madhya Pradesh is known for its rich cultural history and unique traditions. The Bhilala community located here is still keeping a 500 year old special tradition alive. Generally, under the dowry system in India, the bride’s family gives dowry to the groom’s family, whereas in Bhilala society this tradition is the opposite. Here the groom’s family gives dowry to the bride’s family.
Discharge of 500 years old tradition
This tradition of Bhilala community is 500 years old, which continues even today. Senior elders of the society say that earlier only ₹ 1, ₹ 11 or ₹ 51 were given as dowry. But with time this amount has increased to Rs 2.5 lakh. This amount of dowry depends on the circumstances of the marriage. If the marriage takes place with traditional customs, a dowry of ₹80,000 is given. At the same time, if the girl elopes with her lover and gets married, the dowry amount increases to ₹ 2.5 lakh.
Roop Singh, an elder of Bhilala community, told Local 18, “This tradition has been going on in our society for years. However, now this amount has increased so much that some families are finding it difficult to raise it. To reduce this, state level meetings and gram sabhas are being organized. Our aim is that no family should come under financial pressure.”
Dowry is paid by selling land
Some members of the society said that due to the high amount of dowry many families have to face financial difficulties. If someone does not have enough money, they raise the dowry amount by selling their fields or land. This tradition is completed through a Panchayat organized one month after the marriage. The panchayat decides the amount of dowry, which is given by the groom’s family to the bride’s family.
Society’s efforts to reduce dowry
In view of the increasing amount of dowry, Bhilala society is continuously making efforts to reduce it. Currently, the society is trying to set a limit of up to ₹50,000. For this, discussions are being held in gram sabhas and families are being made aware.
Senior members of the society say, “Our tradition is a symbol of our pride, but it is also important to make it practical with time. Our aim is to ensure that tradition is respected and no family has to face financial problems.”
Confluence of tradition and modernity
This tradition of Bhilala society not only reflects its unique identity, but also highlights the thinking and cultural diversity of the society. While this tradition provides financial support to the women’s family, the efforts of the society to make it practical and accessible are commendable.
Tags: Ajab Gajab, Amazing news, Local18
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 8, 2025, 11:21 IST