After farewell, the bride cried bitterly in the car, could not remember her parents, after knowing the reason, the groom hit his head!

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Every bride cries because of being away from her parents during the farewell. But here the matter is different. When the bride started crying bitterly as soon as she sat in the car, the groom asked the reason. Hearing the truth the groom shook his head.

The bride cried bitterly in the car after the farewell, can't remember her parents, know the reason!

Farewell is that emotional moment, when the bride cries bitterly when she is away from her parents. It is said that after marriage, for the bride, now her husband becomes everything. In such a situation, every girl becomes sad due to being away from her parents. Such scenes are often seen at farewells after marriage. But sometimes a different atmosphere is seen in farewell. A similar video is becoming increasingly viral on social media. In this video the bride follows her groom to the car. He is not sad at all. Perhaps he doesn’t even remember his parents. But as soon as she sits in the car, she suddenly starts crying bitterly. The groom gets surprised. He asks his newly married wife the reason for crying. After this, the groom shakes his head after hearing the answer given by the bride.

This video has been shared on Instagram by Ricks Goyal, who himself is seen in the avatar of a groom. In the video you can see that Ricks is taking his bride Hastu Goyal away after the marriage. He himself is walking ahead and his bride is also happily following him. The bride is also happy. After reaching near the car, the groom moves forward and opens the gate. Asks the bride to sit. After this the groom himself sits on the next seat. Suddenly, as soon as she sits in the car, the bride starts crying bitterly. The groom does not understand what has happened? He turns and asks the bride – What happened, why are you crying? Missing your family? The bride says no. Then the groom asks do you want to wait for a few more days?


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