After all, what does human meat taste like? The cannibal himself revealed that the taste will make your heart shudder.

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You must have tried many types of meat till date. Apart from chicken and mutton, beef, deer and even crocodile meat are also eaten in many places. But what would human flesh taste like?

Meat of many animals is eaten in different parts of the world. At some places chicken is preferred and at other places mutton is preferred. These two meat varieties are eaten with gusto in India. But if you go to the eastern part, many types of insects and dog meat are also liked there. Even in China, people eat meat of many types of animals.

However, you would hardly have heard about any country where human flesh is eaten. Cannibalism is banned in the world. However, some tribes still exist who eat human flesh. Whenever such news comes out where a human body has been eaten, there is an uproar. Meanwhile, an interview of a cannibal is going viral on social media, in which he was seen talking about the taste of human flesh.

Told the taste of human meat
The video of this person describing the taste of human flesh is going viral. The name of the person seen in this is Nico Clocks. He was arrested on charges of eating human flesh. Nico, currently living in France, was arrested for murder and cannibalism. When he was asked about the taste of human flesh in an interview, he described its taste in great detail. The way he was describing the taste, it seemed as if he liked human flesh more than chicken and mutton.


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