People earn money by doing something or the other to run their lives. Those who are educated, they work in offices and those who are less educated, they do some work of their own accord. However, there are people who do something different instead of a normal job, but earn good money. Today we are going to tell you about one such person.
This person’s source of income is very strange but people like him very much. He praises people while passing by on the road and takes fees from them. Isn’t it amazing! The age of this person living in Japan is not short, that is why people call him Uncle Prez. ‘Uncle Praise’ means the uncle who is an expert in praising.
makes money by praising
People first saw the report about him on Japan’s Fuji TV. The real name of 43 year old Uncle Prez is not known but he is a resident of Toshigi. At one point in his life, he became a victim of gambling addiction and lost both his family and job. He broke all relations with his family and he started living on the streets. After this shock, he got rid of his gambling addiction and he started praising people as performing art to earn his living. He stands with a cardboard in his hand, on which is written – ‘I admire you very much’.
It’s strange, but now it’s a profession…
This may sound strange to you, but it is true that everyone needs praise and encouragement, even if it is done by a stranger. At first no one came to him and he used to stand for hours but later people started coming to him. They say that if people like it, they also feel happy. Ever since he went viral on social media, he has been receiving calls from people from far and wide to come and praise him. According to Uncle Praise, on an average he praises 30 people a day and he gets 10 thousand yen i.e. about 5 and a half thousand rupees.
Tags: bizarre news, Viral news, Weird news
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 9, 2025, 08:51 IST