If we talk about the most dangerous and poisonous snakes in the world, the name of cobra is included in the top list. If a cobra i.e. wheat snake bites someone and it is not treated at the right time, then it is difficult to survive. It is said about cobra that one drop of its poison is enough to kill many humans. But despite this, some people can be seen having fun with these snakes. In the era of social media, people do not desist from making and sharing videos with these snakes. Today we are going to show you one such scary video, in which a boy tries to kiss a poisonous snake. He also kisses her forehead. But then the snake attacks.
This video going viral has been shared on Instagram by a user named Jay Sahni, who himself is an expert in snake catching. Only Jai Sahni is seen in this video also. In the video you can see that Jai is wearing a Rudraksha rosary, which is peeking out of his shirt. The poisonous Nagraj is standing right in front of Jai, taunting as if he is about to attack. The cobra’s eyes remain on Rudraksh, while Jai is slowly tilting his face towards its hood. The snake still keeps its eyes on Rudraksh, but in the meantime Jai places his lips on the hood of the cobra and kisses. As soon as Jai moves his face back after kissing the snake, the cobra attacks.