A man brought stale chicken from the fridge, he was shocked to see such a thing when he saw it under the microscope

In earlier times there were no refrigerators. At that time people always cooked and ate fresh food. Many experts are still heard saying that whenever you eat food, eat only hot and fresh home-cooked food. In earlier times, women used to prepare fresh three meals a day. Once cooked food was eaten and finished immediately. In such a situation, there was no need to eat stale food.

But now most of the people have become working. Even women have now started working. In such a situation, women prepare three meals at a time. Some people even prepare food for several days and store it in the fridge. But have you ever wondered what happens to the food kept in the fridge when the food kept outside spoils? A person has started a similar series on social media.

Condition of stale chicken kept in the fridge
On an account created by the name cobraexperiments on social media, a person shows many things by placing them under a microscope. In this, it is shown how different things appear inside the lens. The person puts most of the food items under the microscope and shows them to the people. This time he showed the reality of the stale chicken kept in the fridge. Despite being kept in the fridge, what was seen inside it surprised everyone.


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