The price of ‘Suhagrati Paan’ will blow your mind, it is specially prepared for the bride and groom, the demand increases at this time.

Saharanpur: The wedding season is going on and people definitely eat different types of dishes during the wedding season. But these days, during the wedding season, one paan is much talked about for the bride and groom, which is called Suhaagraati Paan. The taste of this paan is such that whoever eats it once always remembers its taste. Along with the taste of this paan, people’s ears perk up after hearing its price also. This paan comes in price ranging from Rs 551 to Rs 5000 and is sold extensively during the wedding season.

What is special in paan?
This paan is being made in a famous food shop of Saharanpur. He has been running the paan shop since 1965. His fifth generation is working at the shop. This paan is similar to other paan in appearance but some different things are used in it. Desi herbs are used in this paan. Besides, 8 to 10 types of things including Baba chutney, Meenakshi chutney, Norganj chutney, liquorice, Baba cardamom, three to four types of fennel and honey to sweeten it are used in this paan. Only special married people like to eat this paan.

Special is made for married people
Badshah Khan, the owner of the food shop, while talking to Local 18, said that he has been running a shop in the name of Khan Paan in Nawabganj since 1965. His fifth generation is working at this food store. Badshah Khan tells that when someone gets married, this Suhagraati paan is fed to the bride and groom. Suhagrati paan also works as an energy booster. Various types of herbs are mixed in it which do not cause any harm to the body.

Price varies
Besides, many items are used to increase its taste. One who eats this paan once remembers its taste for the rest of his life. People’s ears perk up after hearing the name of this paan as well as its price. It has many varieties ranging from 551 to 1151, 2151 and 5051. Special Suhagraati paan is served here. The demand for this paan increases during the wedding season.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Local18, News18 uttar pradesh, Saharanpur news


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